Securing the Convergence: Operational Technology (OT) Cybersecurity Solutions

Harnessing Integrated Security Measures to Safeguard Critical Infrastructure and Mitigate Cyber Risks Arising from the Convergence of IT and OT Networks.
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Securing the Convergence: Operational Technology (OT) Cybersecurity Solutions

Harnessing Integrated Security Measures to Safeguard Critical Infrastructure and Mitigate Cyber Risks Arising from the Convergence of IT and OT Networks.
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Operational Technology (OT) Cybersecurity Solutions

In today's digital landscape, the convergence of information technology (IT) and operational technology (OT) networks has become paramount for organizations embracing digital transformation (DX). While IT manages information within organizations, OT controls processes with direct physical impacts, making the security of these integrated environments crucial.

Traditionally kept separate, the integration of IT and OT networks offers numerous benefits such as cost reduction, productivity enhancement, and competitive advantage. However, this convergence also heightens the risk of cyber intrusions, with cybercriminals targeting IT networks to gain access to critical OT systems, leading to increased incidents of cyberattacks on essential infrastructure.

Fortinet's Comprehensive Solution for Securing IT and OT Environments

A global survey revealed that a staggering 93% of organizations experienced intrusions in their OT systems in the past year, resulting in various detrimental impacts including downtime, financial loss, and compromised safety. As a response, organizations are investing heavily in IT/OT and OT-specific security technologies to fortify their cybersecurity postures against sophisticated attacks.

Fortinet provides a comprehensive cybersecurity solution—the Fortinet Security Fabric for IT and OT—that effectively secures interconnected digital ecosystems. This solution enables full visibility across digital assets, network segmentation, access control, proactive threat detection, and streamlined security operations across Network Operations Centers (NOC) and Security Operations Centers (SOC).

Securing OT environments requires a strategic approach, with a focus on incremental mitigation of risks and integration of security solutions. Unlike disparate point security solutions, a unified platform-based approach simplifies management, reduces complexity, and ensures consistent security across both IT and OT landscapes, minimizing technical debt and enhancing overall cybersecurity readiness.

Cyber Operational Technology (OT) Overview

The ever-increasing reliance on automation and interconnectedness within industrial control systems (ICS) has necessitated a heightened focus on OT cybersecurity.

OT security encompasses the strategies and measures deployed to protect OT systems from cyberattacks. These systems – including Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA), Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs), and Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) devices – manage and monitor physical devices, processes, and events. This specialized field safeguards the critical infrastructure and processes that underpin numerous industries, including:

  • Manufacturing
  • Oil & Gas
  • Power & Utilities
  • Water & Wastewater
  • Chemical & Petrochemical

Why is OT Security Important?

Unlike traditional IT systems focused on data storage and processing, OT systems directly influence the physical world. A successful cyberattack on an OT system can have catastrophic consequences, leading to:

1. Disruptions in critical infrastructure operations
2. Environmental damage
3. Safety hazards for personnel and the public
4. Financial losses

Unique Challenges of OT Security

Securing OT environments presents distinct challenges compared to IT security. Here's what makes OT security so crucial:

  • Legacy Systems: Many OT systems rely on outdated hardware and software, lacking the robust security features of modern systems.
  • Convergence of IT & OT: The blurring lines between IT and OT networks create new vulnerabilities as traditionally isolated systems become interconnected.
  • Focus on Availability: OT systems prioritize uninterrupted operation, making security measures that could disrupt processes a hard sell.

Holistic Approach to Operational Technology (OT) Security

Strategizing, Assessing, and Safeguarding OT Environments for Robust Cybersecurity
  • OT Security Strategy:

    • Develop, implement, and oversee a global OT security strategy that aligns with the organization’s business objectives and risk tolerance.

  • OT Risk Assessment and Mitigation:

    • Conduct comprehensive risk assessments to identify vulnerabilities, threats, and potential security risks in OT environments.
    • Develop and implement risk mitigation measures to minimize the impact of security incidents and breaches.
    • Design and implementation of OT projects across Organization.

  • Security Standards and Compliance:

    • Ensure OT security standards and best practices are established and adhered to globally, in compliance with industry standards and regulations.
    • Monitor and manage compliance with relevant cybersecurity regulations, including NERC CIP, IEC 62443, and other industry-specific standards.

  • Security Monitoring and Assessment:

    • Establish continuous monitoring and assessment mechanisms for OT security,
      leveraging technologies like industrial firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and
      anomaly detection.
    • Periodic vulnerability assessments and penetration testing of OT environments.

  • Security Awareness and Training:

    • Develop and deliver OT security awareness and training programs for OT staff and stakeholders, emphasizing best practices and security protocols.

  • Cross-Functional Integration:

    • Collaborate with IT, OT and Digital teams to ensure a unified approach to security across IT and OT on-prem and Cloud Integrations

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

We now have an FAQ list that we hope will help you answer some of the most common ones.

1. What is Operational Technology (OT) Security Strategy?

Operational Technology (OT) Security Strategy involves the development, implementation, and oversight of a global strategy aligned with the organization’s business objectives and risk tolerance to secure OT environments effectively.

2. How does OT Risk Assessment and Mitigation work?

OT Risk Assessment and Mitigation entail conducting comprehensive assessments to identify vulnerabilities, threats, and potential risks in OT environments. It involves developing and implementing measures to mitigate risks and minimize the impact of security incidents and breaches.

3. Why are Security Standards and Compliance important for OT environments?

Security Standards and Compliance ensure that OT environments adhere to established best practices and standards, complying with industry regulations such as NERC CIP, IEC 62443, and other relevant cybersecurity standards to mitigate security risks effectively.

4. What is the role of Incident Response and Recovery in OT Security?

Incident Response and Recovery involve developing and maintaining global incident response plans for OT security incidents. This includes integrating with IT SOC / SIEM and business continuity teams to ensure timely containment and recovery in the event of security breaches.

5. How are Security Monitoring and Assessment conducted for OT environments?

Security Monitoring and Assessment in OT environments are established through continuous monitoring mechanisms, leveraging technologies like industrial firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and anomaly detection. Additionally, periodic vulnerability assessments and penetration testing are performed.

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